Can an NBA team teach me how to be a better friend, wife, and parent? Yes!
Click here for a fascinating article.
Y'all know how geeked I get about anything that has to do with writing. One of my favorite authors, Shauna Niequist answers some questions here about how she does her thang.
Ever heard of HisKids radio? You buy the unit and it runs through your home's wireless internet, constantly streaming great Christian programs for your family. Seriously considering it for us...but a little pricey....anyone else have one? Maybe I'll just put it on the Christmas wish list :)
This book is smack-your-knee funny. It's satire, folks, so don't get too hyper about it. If you can't laugh at yourself, you might as well go live on an island!
The author, Jon Acuff has a website that rocks. He has all kinds of resources for bloggers, writers, and people looking to live out their dreams. And if Dave Ramsey loves him, then he must be great, right? (kidding...sort of...)
We have the His Kids Radio... best investment ever for our guy! We had one of the old "pre-internet streaming" ones that just picked up their stations back in MI. Of course, didn't work here. We've had this one about a 1 1/2 and he listens to the music and stories all the time! Let me know if you want more details!!
Oh, that's right! Does it have "The Pond" radio show? I remember loving that one in Michigan and I never hear it over here....
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