But I'm totally okay with that! I'm so thankful for the opportunity I have to share my enthusiasm for books with my students. And now that it's June, I thought I'd give a shout-out to the books I've enjoyed this year so far.
I always admit this shyly: I read everything Kristen Hannah writes. I know, I know. It's like bubblegum for the brain. But the girl can weave a story, I'm telling you. As I cringe at cliches and emotional dribble, I keep turning pages to just find out what happens!! And that's what stories do. They engage and draw you in...and that's why I have to read her books. End of confession.
This is the first one I've read on an e-reader! It's nice not to lug around a big thick book, but I do miss the feel of a book in my hand. Just sayin'. And I haven't finished it yet, so don't give anything away!
Worst book ever. Gut-wrenching. But....couldn't put it down.
The idea of this book intrigued me, and it was an interesting read. She takes each month of one year and studies how to be more happy in that area. It seemed God was really left out of the equation, or just one more way to "get happy", but I knew that going into it. Happiness is only a symptom of a much deeper joy....I wonder if Gretchen has figured that out yet??
This is the book you Must Read Now. Eileen Button is the coolest person I've read in a long time. She's a pastor's wife, a columnist for the Flint Journal, and a fantastic writer.
(If you are a pastor's wife, or have ever been one -- Get This Book Today. I am not kidding. I really never "got" what it meant to be a pastor's wife until I read this book. She is amazingly honest and accurate. I mean, just listen to this: "As for The Church, I like her; I loathe her. She delights me; she disappoints me. I want her; I want to disown her. There are days when I count the minutes until I get to leave. There are days I've run into her arms, weeping. Although I realize how dysfunctional and codependent it sounds, I need her. There are still days when there's no place else I'd rather be.)
And lastly, another WOOHOO for T. Greenwood. I love this latest novel she's written. If Kristen Hannah is a double cheeseburger and fries, T. Greenwood is a lobster dinner. Sorry Kristen, it's true. Greenwood is a gifted writer and I can't gush enough!
Other books I read this year that I've already talked about:
Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo
Sky Blue by Travis Thrasher (great Christian fiction writer)
Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley (the FlyLady)
Evidence by Mary Oliver (one of my favorite poets)
Deep Down True by Juliette Fay (the book I wish I hadn't read...ugh)
Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman)
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp (most overly-hyped book of the year)
Made to Crave by Lisa Terkeurst
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