Thursday, June 28, 2007


Life is too short to pass up an opportunity to meet with friends from college! Instead of saying, "Man, we should get together!" it's worth the time and effort to actually make the connection!

So, this week I met up with my sweet friend, Emily V., who works and lives in Marion, Indiana, and then Dan and Angie L. who live in Minneapolis. I was in Ohio with Jonathan for a few days and I was able to meet Emmy V. in Muncie and have a good "sit-down." Forgot my camera, dern it, but I'm guessing Em isn't too upset about that...

Then Dan and Ang were kind enough to wait for me at the Mall of America while I pushed Jonny through the parking garage levels of MSP airport looking for my CAR!!! I ran like a bat out of you-know-where when I arrived 3 days ago, and didn't pay close enough attention, etc. (More on all my airport mishaps and Ohio trip later...) We met up for lunch and tawkin'.

There's just something about college buddies - you can just pick up where you left off. Thanks everybody for a great time!

P.S. Dan and Ang have a great website, where Angie's blog has this pic and another one of Jonathan. After they took this, I asked, "Is it blog worthy??"


Anonymous said...

Jeannie....we really enjoyed the visit. We'll do it again at some point.

Anonymous said...

Wait, did you just enter my name into blogosphere????? I thought we had an understanding there :)

Way too short of a visit my friend. Come back soon.


Beth Wilmot said...

Glad to hear your trip home went better than your trip out!

Jeannie said...

sorry, ev, one of the sacrifices you make being my friend :)