Monday, May 07, 2012

What We've Been Up To

(D on the right in the school program) 

This is really one of my favorite times of year -- the anticipation of summer, winding up the school year -- I love this.  The boys were recently in the school musical, and it was so fun to watch them on the stage.  Gee, guess which boy had the most fun with this activity?  I'll give you a hint:

 He has red hair and brown eyes and talked earlier than any of his siblings.  That's right. 
Mr. First-Born himself, Greg-o.  He really lit it up and had a good time doing it. 
That's my boy!

My parents came for a visit, too.  Praise the Lord for great weather in Ohio so that they could finish planting and come on up for Grandparents' Day! 

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