My big D turned 8 years old yesterday, officially kicking me into a reality check of how fast my kids are growing. In just a few days, baby girl will be 3 and that breaks my heart just a wee little bit.
I had to cover my mouth yesterday when in the middle of picking up the living room (which D did NOT want to do) he mutters angrily, "This does NOT feel like a happy birthday!!" But he perked up when we took the whole fam to DQ for dinner and he had his favorite Banana Split Blizzard. He must take after his Grandma L!
Speaking of Grandma, we are currently loving these DVDs she sent for Aaron's bday:
Sarah Palin's Alaska Season One on TLC
Today I filled out an NCAA bracket for the first time. It was a little overwhelming, so I called my little brother, who gave me a couple hints. The easiest part was picking the winner....hmmmm and who would that be you ask?
The greatest buckeye fans on earth!
Alaska!! Will and I have talked about taking a trip there. Just something cool about a state that is unlike any other.... Hey, you could go visit Adam (Commissaris) and his family. They relocated a year or so ago to Alaska and love it. :)
Well, if they are still up there in a decade :)
Nice picture of the "Diebs"
Hope he can pop the threes for the next 6 games!!!!
Go Bucks! O-H-I-O
we loved the whole season of "Sarah Palin's Alaska". Awesome Woman and AWESOME STATE.
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