Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Books of (early) Summer

When summer hits, I go a little bonky trying to find books my boys will love and read on their own. I so desperately want them to fall in love with reading at an early age, and the only way to do that is to just fill my home with possibilities. Yeah, that's me lugging a suitcase out of the public library...

One of the book series Greg has loved is called Knights of the Lunch Table by Frank Cammuso. This is what's called a "Graphic Novel" because it's like a big fat comic book. He loves the extreme visual with funny school stories.

I also found some old Calvin & Hobbes collections at Barnes & Noble for the way-cheap, and Greg especially loves those.

I have also found these websites helpful for boys-n-books: and

If you have any children in your house ages 4-9, go get yoself some Mercy Watson books RIGHT NOW!! My kids have LOVED Mercy Watson for a long time. Written by one of my favorite authors, Kate DiCamillo, it's a six book series about a beloved pig who gets into all kinds of monkeyshines. Good times.

And those illustrations - oh man, they are The Best. I have to admit, my favorite thing about Mercy Watson books is they lend themselves to doing hilarious voices. I really should have gone into voice-overs...

What are your kids reading this summer? Do tell!


Anonymous said...

Monkeyshines? I've got to put that one into my repertoire!!

Uncle Doug

Erin said...

thanks for the recommendation!!! I'll post soon on the books my kids are reading this summer, too!

Karna said...

Thanks for the book recommendations for boys. I'm always looking for my grandboys, you know! Have you read the Soup books by Robert Newton Peck? My own kids loved those. I just read Travels with Gannon and Wyatt: Botswana by Patti Wheeler and Keith Hemstreet. How about The Indian in the Cupboard books -- I remember my boys loving those, too. Books are so wonderful -- and I would like to know about ones your guys especially like. Thanks!