Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Four Looks Good On Him, Don't You Think?

I can't stop grinning everytime I look at this picture -- J.'s 4th birthday party was a few weeks ago, and he insisted on a RED party.
We had lots of cousins over, plus some of Aunt B.'s family up from the South with their kids. He had a blast opening gifts and loved this stylin' jacket and hat.

A captive audience

Do you know how hard it is to put pigtails in a 15 mo. old's hair?

Smoochin' on the birthday boy


lori lynch said...

You gotta have fast hands and good dexterity, which super-moms like you can do with one hand tied behind her back!

Ashley M said...

4!?!?! Jonathan is 4?!?! I was there when he was born. Oh my soul. He looks just like you my friend, no joke. What a cutie!

Can't wait to see you in just a month an a half! haaaaaaaay!