Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thoughts from the Sidelines

I knew it would happen one day: Bleacher Butt.
It started when I was in college, watching every game Aaron ever played. I love watching basketball - live - no professionals, please. When I was teaching in Michigan, I went to so many high school basketball games for our school, I think I could've been the official mascot. Aaron helped coach, so every Tuesday and Friday night in the winter, you could find us in some gymnasium somewhere (or fellowship hall, depending on the budget of the Christian school...).
I love it, I really do. Tonight we went to K's game - she plays JV Basketball. We walked in and I took a deep breath. "Ah, I love that smell," I said to Aaron, "a mixture of school gym and popcorn!" K played great; she looks so at ease out there. And then the band played as the Varsity ran in, and I could see my oldest son taking it all in, looking back at us with the expression that said, "Whoa!"
G & D have started basketball camp at our local Y on Saturdays and just love it. D plays at 9, G at 2, so it's a crazy day, but fun to see them learning.

D sitting beside his buddy RW! (The boy, not the girl...)

I can see G doing this for a long time. He seems to have the right, uhm, personality for basketball. Intense, quick, aggressive...these can all be good things, right? I love this shot of him as his coach was talking about different sportsmanship things...gotta love that enthusiasm.

And focus!

Baby sister and I will have lots of time to practice our cheers, I'm sure. She doesn't seem too excited about this yet.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these pictures. Wish I could be there.
The years are going by too fast!

Tami said...

Ah, yes, back to the heritage games.....brings back the memories and smells and i my case, rug burns form volleyball!). The Texas winter today has been ice! Ice storm last night and everyone freeks out. "The women and children are not going to make it!" i can almost hear the new caster saying, makes my chuckle a bit.