Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Writing Motherhood

I love this book.

It's called Writing Motherhood (www.writingmotherhood.com) by Lisa Garrigues and it's helped me find ways of remembering the daily diamonds and dust of mothering. Each chapter has a cool little homework assignment that I've been trying to do and I thought I'd share a little here...

Tonight I took a bike ride with my Gregory, who is brand-spanking new at being six years old. It was amazing.

Number one, I couldn't keep up with him. He is speed, as his favorite animated car, Lightning McQueen, would say. He talks "big-boy talk", not the silly talk of 4 or 5 year olds. And it was like watching the sun go down. If I turned away for just a minute, it changed again, then again.

We went under a bridge where he continued to impress me with his adept skill at skipping stones. When did he learn this? I think he thoroughly enjoyed astounding me and kept a look of manly pride on his flushed freckled face.

I don't dare blink. This is going to be quite a ride.

1 comment:

Janine said...

Awww...maybe that is what I did...I blinked. :-) It sure does go by fast. I am so glad I savored the moment. I tortured my 13-year-old by taking him to the zoo today. (He really had fun although he says he only went for the ice cream.) It brought back so many fun memories of the different zoo visits we've made.