Sunday, May 06, 2007

Stay at home, Mom!

I've been doing it for almost 6 years, you'd think I'd have it down by now. But I don't. Oh man, I really don't. And I'm tired of feeling like a failure at this.

It's this title I have a love/hate relationship with called "Stay-at-home Mom."

When I first had Gregory, I was so thankful and happy to be home with him, to spend our days together and watch him change and grow. But over time, and after having more children, I have a tough time staying motivated and challenged to STAY home, be a Mama and a homemaker. After all, there are bible studies, the Y, MOPS, Target, (oh how we mamas love our target...)

Since we moved to Minnesota, especially, I have found myself being a bit more careless with my time and running to different things just because I could, but not really because I should. After all, I had a boy in Kindergarten, so I felt a little more freedom to go places, join activities.

But this spring it's really hit me that I need to re-establish my AT HOME roles as a wife, a mother. When I am away from this home too often, it shows my neglect. It shows where my priorities are. I am not against working outside the home by any means, I am only sharing where I am and what I struggle with.

I've been reading a book called "A Woman after God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George and it's reinforced the huge responsiblity before me of what I do everyday. I can feel God turning my heart back to my children, my home, my husband, and making sure nothing steals my dedication to them.


fetzer said...

You have incredible insite and honesty in your writing. It's what makes your blog one of my favorites. As a man with no childen I have no idea what it means to be a stay at home Mom. But your post provides a glimpse into what many mothers are feeling and that helps me relate and understand the women in my life.

Holly said...

It is a love/hate relationship, I agree and understand. It has been nice having a night time job where I get away for just a few hours of adult time. But, my house does suffer bc at nights is when I would pick up after the boys, and now I'm just too tired. Soon enough, sadly, I won't have my two for 2days a week, and I guess I'll use that time to clean and organize.
love ya

Susan said...

Thank you for this Jeannie!! I have been feeling this alot lately and feeling very convicted of it. In fact, I will shortly be venting it in my own post tonight. I have been forgetting the privledge it is to raise my son and daughter!

Sue Simpson

Anonymous said...

Jeannie you are an awesome 'at-home' mom! I love ya! ~Syna

Anonymous said...

Wow, Jeannie, your honesty inspires me! Thanks for your post! It's amazing how the Lord's touch can soften our hearts again and again. Love ya!

Unknown said...

i read that book a long time ago. what if dedication to family doesn't look like elizabeth george's picture? i've struggled a lot with that...felt guilty for a long time because that picture isn't our picture, and other people made me feel like it was supposed to be. still feel guilty. just don't know if i have to. i sure don't have it all worked out, and the baby adds more questions. but in other ways, she's given a few answers...
what does proverbs 31 look like in 2007?

Jeannie said...

hello my kazoo friend,
thank you for your comment. i think a book like this - you gotta take it with a grain of salt and not try to swallow it in one big gulp.

what it does for me is inspire me to set the bar higher than i currently have it. i had gotten lazy, momentarily forgetting the amazing job i have.

have you ever read "the myth of the perfect mother" by carla barnhill? you must!!! love you babe.