Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Reid Report - August

Happy Birthday to one-month old Jonathan Michael Reid. He is a beautiful boy and we fall in love with him more everyday. He is good at eating, sleeping, and setting off small explosions from his diaper area. We've enjoyed his recent attempts at smiling and cooing. He seems to resemble Gregory as an infant, but his hair is still dark reddish brown and we haven't decided what color his eyes are. Brown? Dark Blue? Time will tell.

The big brothers like talking to Jonathan and holding his little fingers. Daniel also enjoys burping him for some reason (tapping him gently on the back while mommy holds him) - it's a sweet picture. He likes to call him "Jon Michael" - while Gregory prefers "Jonathan Michael" - so I guess he'll have a big name for awhile. I spontaneously called him "Johnny Bravo" the other day, but I don't think that will stick.

Our 12-year old niece, Kaela, has been here all week visiting from Minnesota and that has been a lot of fun. (And great help for Mommy.) Hard to believe this tall girl was just a little peanut of a miniature bride in our wedding a decade ago!

The three boys and I all picked her up from the airport on Monday, and boy, was that a trip. Putting a double stroller, a toddler, a preschooler, and a new baby through security is not a walk in the park, my friends. Oh, one funny story: Daniel saw one of those Shriner guys with the big hats with tassles and he starts yelling, "Mommy!! A King, A King!!" Oh, I love my children.

We will be going to the airport again around Labor Day for a big trip up to Wisconsin. We can't wait to see family and get out of this pit of humidity for awhile. I've heard it's pretty hot up there right now, too, though. Cool off before we get there!

On a sadder note, we'd appreciate your prayers for our friends, Josh and Shelly Buck. They recently lost their 3-month old daughter, Ava. I can't imagine what they are going through, but I know God will hold them through this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello to my long-legged beautiful blond daughter-I miss you so much! I pray you are being a blessing to your Auntie-as I know you certainly have a talent for doing. Showing your servants heart for others-God bless you, sweetie! Love, your mommie!