We've been absolutely in love with the weather lately. After a rainy June, we are soaking up the REAL summer weather of July.
And I have been soaking up books as fast as possible. Here's an actual un-retouched photo of my nightstand. Only for you, folks. That blurry one almost to the top is John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley. I figure I'll save it for a big road trip coming up since it's about his travels across this great land.
I'm also reading Room right now, about a boy who is raised in an 11x11 room with his mother, told from his perspective. It's a little spooky, but actually pretty sweet. More on that later.
On Jonny's birthday a few days ago, I actually Set. My. Alarm to bring him breakfast in bed.
(Sometimes I shock myself.)
He's an early riser and I just knew he'd beat me to it if I didn't. It wasn't fancy, just Cheerios and strawberries, but I knew he'd love it. He'd asked for it before and I told him to wait until his big day.
As I sat next to him in his bed, he turned to me with a milky mouth and said, "I feel like a king!!"
I hope this is blog-appropriate: I love these ruffley buns. How cute is she??
She had to have a bright pink ball. That's my girl.
A few of her favorite things:
After making someone laugh she'll say, "What'd I do??" (So she can do it again :)
She'll grab your face with her hands and say, "You looookin' gooooood!!"
Skirts. Dresses. Absolutely nothing else.
Getting her toenails painted.
Being with her brothers at all times. If they aren't around she'll ask, "Where my boys go?"
On the Fourth of July, you could find us right here in the heart of America, man. Watching a parade, sweating, waving at people we knew, and just plain loving the day. We ended it with a firework show just a few blocks away from here, swatting mosquitoes the entire time. But the show was worth it!
Summer hasn't been all parades and ice cream. We've had our share of sibling rivalry, disobedience, and just plain frustration. I think the kids really re-learn how to live together in the summer. During the school year, it's easy to ignore their siblings and go their own way.
But this has been good.
They needed this.
I've always prayed my kids would somehow become friends when they grew to adulthood. And maybe part of that journey is half-killing each other during their childhood.
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