Tuesday, November 24, 2009

thankful thoughts

I'm thankful. Not just for things or because it's thanksgiving, but because I have SOMEONE to thank. A person to direct all these thankful thoughts to -- my LORD!

Thanking Him for the big things like family and friends but also...

modern-day appliances like dishwashers, dryers, washers, etc.
a small-town American life
laughing at my brother on the phone
Grandpa S. is recovering well, happy and content
a church with great friends, great music, great preaching
the ability to be content, but not to stop growing
the way Hope's room smells in the middle of the night - sweet baby love
the huge smile on Greg's face when he comes home from school
a tackling hug from Daniel at various times during the day
Jonny giving me a wink and a thumbs-up
getting to know my sister-in-law and nieces this past year and a half
good books I read slowly so they don't leave my life too soon
a husband who makes me laugh
and a thousand other little things that make life good

Thank You Lord!

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