Saturday, September 06, 2008

Going for the Gold

I can’t help but wonder, what if there were a Mommy Olympics? Can you picture the events?

· One-handed Driving (the other hand helping a baby with a pacifier or a toddler find a sippy cup, etc)
· Sprinting With Preschooler (trying to make it to the bathroom before he throws up in your bed)
· Healthy Food Negotiations (no, you cannot have Cheetos for breakfast!)
· Grocery Cart Agility (maneuvering the “kid-friendly” carts through a store while keeping a toddler and an infant quiet and happy)
· Extreme Nursing (trying to breastfeed an infant while a toddler or preschooler-or both-climb all over your body)
· Extreme Nursing Gold (nursing while helping a child learn to use the potty)

I think every Mom who participates should be given gold medals, or better yet, chocolate and gift certificates to day spas! After the toll our bodies take from mothering, it would be nice to stand on a platform and receive a little recognition.


Rachel said...

Well, lookitch you, with all your gold medals!

Our glory will be in our Heavenly crowns.

Popsicles on the porch said...

Ha! This is awesome! I think all us mommies can relate! This is how I feel most's a good thing God gave us the gift of multitasking!!