Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Grab a Paddle!

Here are the promised pictures...
Many thanks to my father-in-law for putting up with these two monkeys in one canoe.

I enjoyed annoying my family with snippets of songs that had the word "river" in them...such as, "Old Man River" (I only know those 3 words) "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocohontas, but I only know those 4 words, too. I also did "The Water is Wide...I cannot cross o'er..." and then Aaron made me be quiet and enjoy nature in all it's stillness.


Anonymous said...

How fun! I liked the part about you singing every song you could think of!!! That sounds like something I would do only they would have told me to stop sooner! :) I love how your family does so many fun things. Even if it's just going outside to play, you and Aaron make it adventurous for the boys. SO cool. Hope the boys are doing well with school!

Ashley M said...

Sounds so great!!! Will it too be to cold to canoe in October? Also, your children are so precious and getting so grown up! Crazy...

Rachel said...

Great new pics of the boys off to the left there! However, I must say that Jonny looks so OLD! I almost didn't recognize him!

Take care,


Beth Wilmot said...

Oh, I got a case of the giggles just picturing all the singing...