Saturday, August 19, 2006

My Heroes

Thanks to Monty King, a good friend from our Texas days for these pictures. He's captured our boys quite well here. Daniel IS the man of steel, stronger than a locomotive. Check out those power abs!! (Actually, that's last year's Halloween costume he's wearing out in front of the lake.)
Favorite accessory - Superman Cape

Greg is the ultimate actor, quoting favorite movie lines and trying out different accents. He loves to listen to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis on CD in the van wherever we go. That's his sword he's holding, but Monty put the shield on.
Favorite accessory - Toy Sword, Toy Gun, or plastic hanger (what he would refer to as his bow and arrow)

And Jonathan? He's all over the place. If he could walk 100% of the time, man, would I be in trouble.
Favorite accessory - Pacifier/Mommy


Jen said...

I love it! very very cute!
that monty is so creative!
I love that little man's favorite accessory is you. Its nice for a time...but when they are almost 2 and 4.5 as mine are and you are still their favorite accessory it is tiring. Actually I think they are my accessories...they do seem to hang on me like a pair of earrings and wrap their arms around my waist like a nice new belt. And boy if they didn't weigh 60 lbs collectively it might not be so unbearable.

Erin said...

yeah, i can attest (sp?) to the superman cape and the sword thing...i saw it all in action:)

Beth Wilmot said...

Love it! These pics are definitely scrapbook-worthy!

Angele Myska said...

superman is the cute!