Saturday, June 11, 2005

I am a Blogger

And so it begins...

As if I don't already communicate by email enough, I have now joined the blogging community. This is my little spot to just tell it like it is...

"To really tell a story, I need to write it. It's then that I understand what it is that I'm really trying to say. I find the deeper meaning - and the deeper satisfaction."
- Elizabeth Berg

"If thou art a writer, write as if thy time were short, for it is indeed short at the longest."
- Thoreau

I still have these notebooks on my shelves that I've kept since early adolescence where I would copy down poems I found, quotes, things that seemed to communicate what I was feeling or going through during that time. It's a little embarrassing to read some of those emotional twists I was putting myself through. My first attempts at poetry - ugh. But it's true. It's real. It's who I was, who I was growing to be.

I have always felt compelled to write it down. Writing validates the intangible. So, here we go. Thanks for coming over.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannie!!!
It's Holly and it totally kills me that you've joined the world of bloggers. I also love that I'm the first to comment on this thread( big blogging word..) I spend time on Eric Nentrup and Dave Drury's blog sites if you want really thought provoking stuff. also, weblog is really mind blowing. All stuff I KNOW you would totally get a kick out of.. I'm gonna send some of this stuff my mom's way, she's always looking for good writers to hire out, and yours is really good. Not that I'm an expert writing critic...actually the thought of starting my own blog makes me break out in a cold sweat... OK, anyhow... good for you!!! Love you,

Anonymous said...

Daughter, you continue to amaze me and bring me to tears! I am so blessed by your life. Can't wait to see you soon. I love you. Mom

Anonymous said...

HEY, this is so cool! I've never heard of this blog stuff? Anyways,I loved reading it and it's just like all of your e-mails... wonderful! You are the best and I admire you so much. Hang in there girl, I'm sure that baby will force its way out soon! I miss your whole family and I'm so pumped about coming this summer! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jeannie........Aunt Patty here.
And Hello to your Mom. I wish that some time we could both visit you at the same time.
This is really cool Darlin. You are so talented and your writing is such easy read and entertaining. I miss you all and love you so much. Your Mom is right. She does have so much to be proud of in you. I am too. And we all have 4 & 1/2 reasons to be proud. I can't wait to see your new addition. When will you be coming up this way again? Please give smooches and hugs for Aaron and the boys. I love you, Aunt (currently unemployed) Patty

Anonymous said...

"All that we see or seem to see is nothing but a dream." Edgar Allen Poe
My little quote for the day.